Getting Better is Everything!

Make sure all the choices you make in life come from a point of Becoming a Better Version of Yourself each day, and not Stagnany or Worsening.

Empower Your Voice that gives you Career Growth!

Hi, I am Dr. Suryadeep Majumder, a Dentist turned Empowered Voice Coach. I help Working Professionals achieve Exponential Growth by  Building Deeper Relationships.

Join the Private Community for Empowered Voice Masterclass + Career Peak Blueprint + Proven Chat GPT Prompts for FREE!

My Story...

When I was 8 years old, my Grandmother, taking her last breaths told me, “You will make our entire family proud.” I did not understand what she meant until I miraculously passed my University Exams.

I realized “smelling people’s breath” is not something I’ll enjoy for the rest of my life. Instead, connecting with Souls, spreading Happiness and Joy is my deeprooted passion. I am a Dentist turned Empowered Voice Coach.

In the last few years, I have been able to 100% my Base Salary, yearly, and built Multiple Streams of Income with over 65 Community Members, because I realized the power of following Mentors who are Imple-Mentors.

I believe that the current Education and Employment system is broken, and the only way to fix this is by Empowering Our Voice and Building Deeper Relationships.

What the Best In the World say:

“Suryadeep, you are doing a fabulous job! Huge Congratulations on making it this far in the Super Speaker Journey. You are truly meant to achieve great things in life. Wish you all the very best!”

Suren Jayasekar
Founder – Success Gyan

“From what I see, your true gift is Voice! The journey you have been through, with all the Ups and Downs, You are meant to Build Relationships by helping people Find Their Voice. Let’s Go for it!”

Siddharth Rajsekar
Founder – Internet Lifestyle Hub

“You are the Power, Your Voice is your Power. This is your Source of Light, to Shine and Glow, and empower beings around You to do the same. Start now and keep going! Claim Your Voice, as your Power!”

Thaddeus Lawrence
Founder – Runaway Success

In 2020, My Mentors' Blessings paved the way to The #1 Fastest Growing Community for Working Professionals


For Working Professionals

Live Workshops and Coaching sessions designed to help YOU Empower your Voice, to build deeper relationships, unlocking Your fullest potential in your careers.

The Ultimate Community Experience to Unleash Your Voice and achieve Exponential Career Growth. Combo of Courses, Coaching, Community and Certification.

Master the Unspoken Proficiencies, Technical Skills, Proven Strategies, Tactics and Tools to Create Multiple Streams of Income and Create Financial Abundance.

For Corporate Companies

Connect with me for a Speaking Engagement
at your Company, School, College or at an Event.
I am usually booked out 3-4 weeks in advance, so please provide me with that flexibility.

Sales Trainings, Advanced Communication, Peak Performance

Systems Automation,Team Building, Proven SOPs on Sales, Marketing and HR

Motivational Strategies, Leadership Development, Innovative Planning

Hear From Our Community:

“Suryadeep, the sessions are way ahead of it’s time! We’re all really blessed that we all signed up early to reap the most benefits. Life has never really been the same. Wishing you the best always man!”

Deepraj Das
Project Development Consultant

“The Energy and Vibrations of the Community is Amazing! Just being present and showing up has unlocked versions of myself, that I have never witnessed before. I recently spoke in our Regional Symposium! Felt Magical!”

MV Ramana Rao
Divisional Engineer, Gov. of Telangana

“I have seen Suryadeep develop from an innocent child to this fabulous Speaker. I feel really proud that his roots are always grounded, and he believes in delivering results for his community members. He will achieve wonders!”

Dr. Rajeshwari Rapata
Homeopath, Healer, Author

Are you Ready to Unleash Your Voice and Spark the Exponential Paradigm Shift in Your Career?

Here is what you will receive, at the Cost of a Pizza!🍕

Bronze Membership in a Nutshell:
✅6 Power Packed Digital Courses, On Demand
✅ Career Peak Blueprint + Proven Chat GPT Prompts to Upskill Faster
✅ Weekly Workshops to Unleash your Empowered Voice
✅ Like Minded Community, to Practise
✅ Case Studies + Gamification
🎁 Special VIP Access to Latest Courses
What are you waiting for?
Join now!