6 Steps in Which I am (Re)Launching My Dream Career

Embarking on the journey to relaunch my dream career has been a thrilling adventure. With a passion for public speaking, building relationships, and effective communication, I’ve discovered a systematic approach that has transformed my aspirations into reality. In this blog, I will share the six steps that have been instrumental in (re)launching my dream career, and I hope they will inspire you on your own journey.

Step 1: Identifying My Ikigai

The first step in my journey was identifying my Ikigai. Ikigai, a Japanese concept meaning “a reason for being,” combines four key elements: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Here’s how I applied this to my career:

What I Love

I have always been passionate about helping others find their voices and build meaningful connections. This passion for empowerment and communication has driven me to pursue a career where I can make a significant impact. For me, it was important to wake up every day excited about what I do. This passion not only keeps me motivated but also fuels my creativity and innovation.

What I Am Good At

Over the years, I have honed my skills in public speaking, coaching, and leadership. These skills not only align with my passion but also allow me to offer valuable insights and guidance to others. I took time to reflect on my strengths and areas where I excel naturally. This self-awareness has been crucial in building my confidence and identifying areas where I can make the most significant impact.

What the World Needs

There is a growing demand for authentic communication and leadership in today’s world. People are seeking ways to connect more deeply and effectively in both their personal and professional lives. I researched market trends and engaged with my audience to understand their needs better. This step involved a lot of listening and empathy, which helped me align my offerings with real-world demands.

What I Can Be Paid For

By offering training and development programs that empower individuals and businesses, I found a way to monetize my skills and passion. This not only provides financial stability but also allows me to continue doing what I love. I explored various revenue streams such as online courses, workshops, and one-on-one coaching. Understanding the economics behind my passion was essential to creating a sustainable career.

Reflective Question: What are the intersections between your passions, skills, and market needs that define your Ikigai?

Step 2: Nailing Down My Target Audience

Understanding my target audience has been crucial in tailoring my approach and content. My audience comprises working professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking personal growth. Here’s how I identified and understood them:


I considered the age, location, income, and education level of my ideal audience. For example, professionals in their 30s to 50s, living in urban areas, with a mid to high income level, and a college education. This helped me create a more focused and relevant message.


I delved into the goals, challenges, behaviors, fears, and frustrations of my audience. This helped me create content that resonates with them on a deeper level. For instance, many are striving to balance their careers with personal growth and face challenges such as time management and stress. Understanding their lifestyle and mindset allowed me to connect with them more effectively.


Understanding their interests, hobbies, and preferred modes of learning and engagement allowed me to create content that is both engaging and valuable. My audience is interested in personal development, leadership, and effective communication. I also considered their preferred platforms and formats, such as videos, blogs, or podcasts, to ensure my content reached them where they are most active.

Reflective Question: Who is your ideal audience, and what are their specific needs and pain points?

Step 3: Creating a Step-by-Step Content Strategy to Give Value to My Target Audience

Creating a content strategy that resonates with my audience and delivers consistent value has been essential. Here’s how I did it:

Content Pillars

I identified key themes that align with my audience’s interests and needs: public speaking, building relationships, communication, and the empowered voice. These pillars serve as the foundation for all my content, ensuring consistency and relevance.

Content Types

To keep my audience engaged, I created a variety of content types including blogs, webinars, social media posts, videos, and live events. Each type serves a different purpose and appeals to different preferences. For example, blogs and articles provide in-depth insights, while social media posts offer quick tips and engagement.

Content Calendar

A detailed schedule outlining when and where each piece of content will be published helped me stay organized and consistent. For instance, I publish two blogs every week, hold weekly webinars, and post daily on social media. This calendar also includes key dates and events relevant to my audience, allowing me to stay timely and relevant.

Engagement Metrics

Tracking likes, shares, comments, and feedback allowed me to refine my strategy continually. This ensured that my content remained relevant and valuable to my audience. I also used analytics tools to understand which content types and topics resonated most with my audience, allowing me to focus my efforts where they have the most impact.

Reflective Question: How can you structure your content to provide maximum value and engagement for your audience?

Step 4: Creating World-Class Offerings and Services

To deliver exceptional value, I developed a range of offerings that cater to different learning preferences and needs. Here’s what I offer:

Weekly Live Webinars

Interactive sessions that cover various aspects of public speaking and communication. These webinars provide valuable insights and practical tips that participants can apply immediately. They also offer a platform for live interaction, allowing participants to ask questions and engage directly with me.

Community Events

Workshops and networking events foster a sense of community and collaboration. These events are great for building relationships and learning from others. They provide a supportive environment where participants can share experiences and learn from each other.

One-to-One Calls

Personalized coaching sessions address individual challenges and goals. These calls offer a more tailored approach to help clients achieve their specific objectives. They provide a safe space for clients to discuss their concerns and receive targeted advice and support.

Community Memberships

Exclusive access to resources, support, and a network of like-minded individuals. Members benefit from continuous learning and support. This includes access to exclusive content, regular updates, and a private forum where members can connect and collaborate.

Reflective Question: What unique offerings can you create to engage and empower your audience effectively?

Step 5: Repeating All the Above Steps Consistently for at Least the Next 6 Months

Consistency is key to building trust and credibility. For the next six months, I am committed to:

Regular Content Updates

Publishing blogs, hosting webinars, and engaging with my community regularly ensures that I stay top-of-mind and provide continuous value. Regular updates keep my audience engaged and looking forward to new content.

Continuous Improvement

Seeking feedback and making necessary adjustments to my strategy and offerings keeps my content fresh and relevant. I encourage my audience to provide feedback and suggestions, which helps me improve and adapt my approach.

Staying Accountable

Setting clear goals and tracking my progress helps me stay on course. This includes metrics like audience growth, engagement rates, and feedback scores. Regular reviews and reflections help me stay focused and motivated.

Reflective Question: How can you maintain consistency and accountability in your efforts to (re)launch your career?

Step 6: Focusing on Giving Value – Money Will Be an Eventual Byproduct

My primary focus is on providing value to my audience. By consistently delivering high-quality content and services, I believe that financial success will follow naturally. Here’s how I focus on value:

Listening to My Audience

Understanding their needs and preferences allows me to offer relevant and valuable solutions. This involves regular surveys, feedback sessions, and one-on-one interactions. By actively listening, I can tailor my offerings to meet their specific needs.

Building Relationships

Cultivating genuine connections and trust within my community is essential. This involves engaging with my audience through comments, messages, and live interactions. Building strong relationships fosters loyalty and encourages word-of-mouth referrals.

Staying True to My Purpose

Keeping my mission of helping others at the forefront of everything I do ensures that my efforts are always aligned with my values and goals. This purpose-driven approach keeps me motivated and focused on what truly matters.

Reflective Question: How can you prioritize value creation in your career and trust that financial rewards will follow?

Detailed Insights into Each Step

To provide more depth and actionable insights, let’s delve into each step with greater detail and examples.

Step 1: Identifying My Ikigai

When I first started this journey, I spent several weeks reflecting on what truly makes me happy and fulfilled. I journaled about my passions, my skills, and how they intersect with the needs of the world. I also spoke to mentors, friends, and colleagues to gain different perspectives. This introspective process was incredibly enlightening and helped me pinpoint my Ikigai.

Reflective Exercise: Take time each day to journal about what you love doing, where your skills lie, and how you can contribute to the world. Talk to people who know you well and ask for their insights.

Step 2: Nailing Down My Target Audience

To understand my audience better, I created detailed personas that included demographics, psychographics, and behavioral patterns. I used surveys and interviews to gather data directly from my audience. This hands-on research provided invaluable insights that shaped my content and offerings.

Reflective Exercise: Create a detailed persona of your ideal audience. Include as much detail as possible about their lifestyle, challenges, and preferences. Conduct surveys or interviews to validate your assumptions.

Step 3: Creating a Step-by-Step Content Strategy to Give Value to My Target Audience

I started by brainstorming content ideas that align with my content pillars. I then mapped out a six-month content calendar, ensuring a mix of content types and formats. I also set specific goals for each piece of content, such as increasing engagement, driving traffic, or generating leads.

Reflective Exercise: Map out a content calendar for the next six months. Include different content types and formats. Set specific goals for each piece of content and track your progress regularly.

Step 4: Creating World-Class Offerings and Services

I invested time in developing my offerings to ensure they provide exceptional value. For example, my weekly webinars are not just presentations; they include interactive elements, Q&A sessions, and actionable takeaways. My one-to-one calls are tailored to each client’s needs, with follow-up resources and support.

Reflective Exercise: Evaluate your current offerings and identify ways to enhance their value. Consider adding interactive elements, personalized support, and follow-up resources.

Step 5: Repeating All the Above Steps Consistently for at Least the Next 6 Months

Staying consistent required discipline and a clear plan. I set weekly and monthly goals and used tools like Trello and Google Calendar to stay organized. Regularly reviewing my progress and adjusting my strategy kept me on track.

Reflective Exercise: Set weekly and monthly goals for the next six months. Use planning tools to stay organized and regularly review your progress.

Step 6: Focusing on Giving Value – Money Will Be an Eventual Byproduct

I shifted my focus from revenue to value creation. By prioritizing my audience’s needs and continuously delivering high-quality content and services, I built trust and credibility. Over time, this approach led to financial success as a natural byproduct.

Reflective Exercise: Focus on providing value in everything you do. Seek feedback from your audience and continuously improve your offerings. Trust that financial success will follow as you build trust and credibility.


Relaunching a dream career is a journey that requires clarity, strategy, and unwavering commitment. By identifying my Ikigai, understanding my target audience, crafting a robust content strategy, creating world-class offerings, maintaining consistency, and focusing on value, I am on a path to making a significant impact. I invite you to join me on this journey, explore these steps for yourself, and unlock your empowered voice.

Here is how You can Help Me, Help YOU

Reflective Questions Recap:

  1. What are the intersections between your passions, skills, and market needs that define your Ikigai?

  2. Who is your ideal audience, and what are their specific needs and pain points?

  3. How can you structure your content to provide maximum value and engagement for your audience?

  4. What unique offerings can you create to engage and empower your audience effectively?

  5. How can you maintain consistency and accountability in your efforts to (re)launch your career?

  6. How can you prioritize value creation in your career and trust that financial rewards will follow?

By focusing on these steps and continuously asking yourself these questions, you too can embark on a transformative journey to (re)launch your dream career. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but the journey itself that shapes us and those we aim to inspire.

Expanding Your Reach: Building a Community

Building a community around your mission is a powerful way to extend your reach and impact. Here’s how I approached it:

Leveraging Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram have been instrumental in building my community. I regularly post valuable content, engage with my audience, and participate in relevant groups and discussions.

Reflective Exercise: Identify the social media platforms where your audience is most active. Create a content plan for each platform and engage with your audience regularly.

Hosting Live Events

Live events, both online and offline, provide opportunities for deeper engagement and connection. These events help build a sense of community and allow for real-time interaction and feedback.

Reflective Exercise: Plan and host a live event such as a webinar or workshop. Promote it through your channels and engage with attendees during and after the event.

Creating Exclusive Groups

Creating exclusive groups on platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp has helped foster a sense of belonging and community. These groups provide a space for members to connect, share experiences, and support each other.

Reflective Exercise: Create an exclusive group for your audience. Provide regular value and encourage members to engage and support each other.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The journey of relaunching your career is a continuous learning process. Here’s how I approach it:

Staying Informed

I stay informed about the latest trends and developments in my field by reading, attending conferences, and taking courses. This helps me stay ahead of the curve and continually improve my offerings.

Reflective Exercise: Dedicate time each week to learn about the latest trends and developments in your field. This could include reading articles, attending webinars, or taking online courses.

Seeking Feedback

Regularly seeking feedback from my audience helps me understand their needs better and improve my offerings. I use surveys, polls, and direct conversations to gather feedback.

Reflective Exercise: Create a feedback loop with your audience. Use surveys, polls, and direct conversations to gather feedback and insights.

Adapting and Evolving

Based on feedback and new insights, I continuously adapt and evolve my strategy and offerings. This ensures that I remain relevant and provide the best value to my audience.

Reflective Exercise: Regularly review your strategy and offerings. Be open to making adjustments based on feedback and new insights.

Final Thoughts

Relaunching a dream career is a dynamic and ongoing journey. By staying true to your purpose, understanding your audience, creating valuable content, and building a community, you can achieve your career goals and make a significant impact. Remember, the key to success lies in consistency, continuous learning, and a focus on providing value.

Here are your Action Steps once again:

Reflective Questions Recap:

  1. What are the intersections between your passions, skills, and market needs that define your Ikigai?

  2. Who is your ideal audience, and what are their specific needs and pain points?

  3. How can you structure your content to provide maximum value and engagement for your audience?

  4. What unique offerings can you create to engage and empower your audience effectively?

  5. How can you maintain consistency and accountability in your efforts to (re)launch your career?

  6. How can you prioritize value creation in your career and trust that financial rewards will follow?

By focusing on these steps and continuously asking yourself these questions, you too can embark on a transformative journey to (re)launch your dream career. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but the journey itself that shapes us and those we aim to inspire.

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